Monday 10 December 2007

Elf Yourself

Veron sent this link to me, and then i was hooked. First i started making one, then one thing led to another and i found myself having fun elfing everyone. Jobless i know, but the payoff is when you see the smile (sometimes uncontrollable laughter) it inevitably brings to everyone's faces. Reactions tend to go along the lines of "WTF.. HAHAHHAAA. OMG OMG OMG.. DAMN FUNNY.. HAHAA" or "DAMN CUTE.. " as well as illiciting responses of "i look like an idiot laughing alone in my room". It's extra funny coz each character's dance moves are uncoordinated. Click the following links, and be prepared to be amused.

Me, Mel, Cliffe, Erwin
Kai, August, Hung, PY
Michelle, Emily, Su Ann, Jerome
Damien, Kee Hong, CC, Ken
Kee Win, Jeannie
Heidi, Sabs, Liss, Veron
Omega, Ah Ma, Chong Shen
Jo, Dharen
My siblings