Tuesday, 4 September 2007

MoMU Merdeka Kenduri

My emceeing experience - mispronouncing lots of words, talking too fast, and saying the wrong things. I even managed to blurt out things like "we're going to draw the lucky prizes!" Imagine that, the prize can actually be lucky?? haha. There were a few other bloopers that i've already forgotten. Fortunately, ppl seemed to miss my blunders, and i think i improved as the night went on. In hindsight, maybe i should have prepared more since almost everything i said was unscripted. Credit though to my fellow emcee, Michelle, who naturally has the gift of talking.. =P

I think overall, the night went well. Considering we had only sold like 40 tickets with less than a week to go, and we were afraid we couldn't get the numbers. But trust Malaysians to be last minute as usual, and we ended up having to expand the capacity just the day before to accommodate 170 ppl. Good food, good entertainment, and a nice last event for the outgoing committee. Anyway, here's deluge of photos of from the night as well as photos of all of us posing and cam-whoring. =P

[P.s. Check out my new eye-candy. Allow the page to finish loading, click any photo, and an overlay of a higher resolution photo will appear. Mouse over at the top left/right and click to go to the previous/next photo. Alternatively, press the left/right keyboard buttons =)]

For those who missed out (due to it being too expensive amongst the many excuses!), here are some of the performances during the night:

Skit: "Malaysian History as MoMU Sees It"

The girls' tealight dance to "Belaian Jiwa". During one of the practice sessions, as we didn't get any actual footage on that night. Pardon Roz's screaming at the end when hot wax fell on her.. =P

Melissa Seow's rendition of "Bukan Cinta Biasa" by Siti Nurhaliza.

Athina singing "It's Alright" by Penny Tai.

Our much vaunted and talked about boyband dance. I think almost everyone has by now heard about it or even seen the video. Considering most of us can't dance for nuts, i guess it turned out quite well. And if the peals of laughter and requests for an encore are any indication, it might even have been better than we thought it would be when we grudgingly went about the task of figuring out a dance a couple of weeks ago. If anything, at least it managed to brighten up Heidi's day, so much so that you've been posting it all over the place eh?? =P. Anyway, here it is again...

For those wanting a closer view and a different angle,

Sheryl lending her lovely vocals to the song "Fly Away" by Fish Leong.

Closing act: Michael Jackson's "Thriller"


revel in me said...

Isaac! I found you! ;)

isaac said...

Haha. Hello hui wen..!! Couldn't recognise you till i checked your blog..